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  • Internal Complaints Committee

    Constitution of Internal Complaints Committee related to Sexual Harassment of women at Workplace (Office Memorandum)

    Committee Members:

    Sl No. Name Designation
    1 Dr. (Mrs.) M. G. Sujana, Chief Scientist Presiding Officer
    2 Dr. Sarada Prasad Das, Chief Scientist Member
    3 Dr. (Ms.) Nilotpala Pradhan, Sr. Prinicpal Scientist Member
    4 Dr. Priyanka Rajput, Pr. Scientist Member
    5 Dr. Boopathy Ramasamy, Sr. Scientist Member
    6 Prof (Mrs.) Swarnamayee Tripathy, Former Professor,Utkal University,
    currently Director, Research,Gabeshana Chakra, Bhubaneswar
    External Member
    7 Section Officer, E.I Convenor

    To download the Handbook on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace, (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 issued by the Ministry of Women and Child Development. Click here.

    Procedure for making online complaint under ICC is as follows:

    The complainant may raise her complaint to the ICC through e-mail to the Presiding Officer 

    Dr. (Mrs.) M. G. Sujana, Chief Scientist  


    Land line-0674-2421884
