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  • Dr.(Ms.) Barsha Dash, Sr. Pr. Scientist 9439018460, ,  


    Dr. Barsha Dash is a scientist of Hydro & Electrometallurgy Department of CSIR-Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar, India. She is PhD in chemistry. Her research interests include precipitation of hydrated alumina, extractive metallurgy, layered double hydroxides and applications.

    • Dr. Barsha Dash worked as Junior Scientist from 2007-2010.
    • Working as a Scientist since 2010.
    • Precipitation of metallic nano particles, hydrated aluminas from different sources. Extractions of different metals like Mn, Cu, Co, Mo, from low grade /secondary sources by leaching and precipitation, adsorption of toxic metal ions from effluents
    • Prof. Dayanidhi Pattnaik award-2010 from Orissa Chemical Society.
    • Prof. G.B.Behera award for best PhD thesis-2012, from Orissa Chemical Society.
    • Geetanjali Mishra, Barsha Dash, Sony Pandey, Layered double hydroxides: A brief review from fundamentals to application as evolving biomaterials, Applied Clay Science, 153, 2018, 172-186.
    • Meenakshi Rath, Laxmi Priya Behera, Barsha Dash, Abdul Rauf Sheik, Kali Sanjay, Recovery of dimethylglyoxime (DMG) from Ni-DMG complexes, Hydrometallurgy, 176, 2018, 229-234.
    • R.R.Samal, Barsha Dash, C.K.Sarangi, K.Sanjay, T.Subbaiah, G.Senanayake, M.Minakshi, Influence of Synthesis Temperature on the Growth and Surface Morphology of Co3O4 Nanocubes Supercapacitor Applications, Nanomaterials, 7, 2017, 356, doi:10.3390/nano7110356.
    • Geetanjali Mishra, Barsha Dash, Sony Pandey, Diptipriya Sethi, C. Ganesh Kumar, Comparative Evaluation of Synthetic Routes and Antibacterial/Antifungal Properties of Zn–Al Layered Double Hydroxides Containing Benzoate Anion, Environmental Engineering Science, DOI: 10.1089/ees.2017.0062.
    • Geetanjali Mishra, Barsha Dash, Diptipriya Sethi, Sony Pandey, B.K.Mishra, Orientation of organic anions in Zn-Al layered double hydroxides with enhances antibacterial property, Environmental Engineering Science, 34, 2017, 516-527, DOI: 10.1089/ees.2016.0531.
    • Geetanjali Mishra, Barsha Dash, Ajit Dash, I.N.Bhattacharya, Surfactant directed synthesis of mesoporous alumina and a-alumina single crystal, Crystal Research and Technology, 2016, 1-8.
    • A.Biswal, S.Mahakud, Sandhyarani Bhuyan, B.Dash, C.K.Sarangi, Kali Sanjay, B.C.Tripathy, T.Subbaiah, I.N.Bhattacharya, Sung-HoJoo, Shun Myung Shin, K.H.Park, Recovery of Co metal and Electrolytic Manganese Dioxide (EMD) from Co–Mn sludge, Hydrometallurgy, 152, 2015, 159-168.
    • Ayon Bala Baral, Barsha Dash, Malay K.Ghosh, Tondepu Subbaiah, Manickam Minakshi, Pathway of Sucrose Oxidation in Manganese (Pyrolusite) Nodule, Industrial Engineering and Chemistry Research, 54, 2015, 12233-12241.
    • N.K.Sahu, C.Sarangi, B.Dash, B.C.Tripathy, B.K.Satpathy, D.Meyrick, I.N.Bhattacharya, “Role of hydrazine and hydrogen peroxide in aluminium hydroxide precipitation from sodium aluminate solution, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 25, 2015,615-521.
    • G. Barik, E. Pradhan, B.Dash, K.Sarangi, T.Subbaiah, “Preparation of layered nickel aluminium double hydroxide from waste solution of nickel”, Minerals Engineering, 69, 2014, 107-112.
    • A. Biswal, S. Mahakud, B.Dash, K.Sanjay, T. Subbaiah, “Influence of alternative alkali reagents on Fe removal during recovery of Mn as Electrolytic Manganese Dioxide (EMD) from Mn sludge”, Hydrometallurgy, 140, 2013, 151-162.
    • Geetanjali Mishra, Barsha Dash, Sony Pandey, Prangya Paramita Mohanty, “Antibacterial actions of silver nanoparticles incorporated Zn-Al layered double hydroxide and its spinel” Journal of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, 1, 2013, 1124-1130.
    • Pinak Patnaik, Swagatika Mohanty, Sangitarani Pradhan, B. Dash, Ajit Dash, R. Sakthivel, T. Subbaiah, "Synthesis and characterization of fibrous nickel hydroxide obtained from nickel spent catalyst" Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 23, 2013, 2977-2983.
    • Sangeeta R Pradhan, Barsha Dash, Kali Sanjay, T. Subbaiah, “Extraction of Ni (II) from spent hydrodesulfurization HDS catalyst through leaching and electroless precipitation of Ni(OH)2”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 44 (2), 2013, 469-476.
    • PATENTS:
    • A Process for Production of Crystalline Boehmite by Precipitating from Supersaturated Sodium aluminate Liquor under Atmospheric conditions at a Temperature as low as 50oC. I.N. Bhattacharya, B. Dash, B.C. Tripathy, K. Sanjay, S.C. Das, V.N. Misra, C.R. Mishra and S.P. Mohapatra.
    • A novel hydrometallurgical process for the production of tellurium from high lead bearing copper refinery anode slime Tondepu Subbaiah, Barada Kanta Mishra, Malay Kumar Ghosh, Kali Sanjay, Indra Narayan Bhattacharya, Chinmaya Kumar Sarangi, Barsha Dash, Abdul Rauf Sheik.
    • Hydrometallurgical Process For The Recovery Of Tellurium From High Lead Bearing Copper Refinery Anode Slime. Tondepu Subbaiah, Barada Kanta Mishra, Malay Kumar Ghosh, Kali Sanjay, Indra Narayan Bhattacharya, Chinmaya Kumar Sarangi, Barsha Dash, Abdul Rauf Sheik.
    • A process for the preparation of thermally treated composite of Zn-Al layered double hydroxide having antibacterial activity Barsha Dash, Sony pandey, Geetanjali Mishra.
    • A process for the production of crystalline bohemite by precipitating supersaturated sodium aluminate liqueurs under atmospheric conditions at temperatures as low as 50oC. I.N. Bhattacharya, b. Dash, B.C. Tripathi, K. Sanjay, S. C. Das, v. N. Mishra, C. R. Mishra and S. P. Mahapatra.
    • High Lead Bearing Copper Refinery Anode Mud Tondepu Subbaiah, Barda Kanta Mishra, Malay Kumar Ghosh, Kali Sanjay, Indra Narayan Bhattacharya, Chinmay Kumar Sarangi, Varsha Dash, Abdul Rif Chef Sheikh.
    • Hydrometallurgical process for recovery of tellurium from high lead bearing copper refinery anode sludge. Tondepu Subbaiah, Barda Kanta Mishra, Malay Kumar Ghosh, Kali Sanjay, Indra Narayan Bhattacharya, Chinmay Kumar Sarangi, Varsha Dash, Abdul Rauf Sheikh.
    • The antibacterial activity in a process for the preparation of thermally treated composite of Zn-Al layered double hydroxide is Barsa Dash, Soni Pandey, Gitanjali Mishra.