In order to register continual growth and undertake research programmes in advanced and current research areas, IMMT hires research scholars and scientists to its mainstream, both on temporary and long term basis. These positions are in the designation of Scientists, Fellow Scientists, Research Fellows and Project Assistants. Recruitments for these positions are normally done from time to time on the basis of requirements and (or) clearance from parent organization (CSIR) or sponsoring agencies. We consider applications for various posts throughout the year.
IMMT encourages researchers willing to conduct research at the laboratory by availing schemes provided and promoted by funding agencies like Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Department of Biotechnology (DBT), and the like. Aspirants may contact Director, Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology ( Formerly Regional Research Laboratory)
(email: further information on such schemes.
Submit application as given in the advertisement along with
Foreign applicants may arrange to send the application fee locally through friends or relatives or simply send the fee in foreign currency by draft.
All applicants must clearly mention the number of the post for which the application will be considered.