Dr. Shivakumar Angadi, Principal Scientist 8763866142, shivakumar@immt.res.in ,
Shivakumar Angadi is having research as well as industrial experience. His PhD thesis was on “Conventional and column flotation studies on graphite and coal fines”. This research work involve studies on interaction between solids, liquid and air phases in the flotation machines, which has helped in analyzing the mechanism of transportation of solids and water to the froth products. Later, Dr. Angadi was associated with Mineral Processing SBU, Tega Industries Ltd., Kolkata, wherein, he got exposed to industrial practices [about two and half years]. He was in-charge of mineral processing laboratory and was responsible for technical inputs to the commercial offers. He was also assigned responsibilities like selection of hydrocyclones, flowsheet development, plant commissioning, conducting plant level test works, improvement of the laboratory facilities etc. During his tenure in Tega Industries many plant commissioning/test works were carried out successfully. Presently, Dr. Angadi is working on process development for the beneficiation of low-grade ores, slimes, and waste generated during mining/mineral processing activities. The studies are oriented towards coarse size beneficiation using jigs and slimes beneficiation using advance gravity separators, magnetic separators, flotation etc. He is involved in teaching of unit operations to M.Tech and Post-Graduation Diploma in Mineral Engineering (PGDME) students of the Institute and supervising their project works.
EXPERIENCE :- Technical Officer, Tega Industries Limited, Kolkata, India, Feb. 05 – Jun. 06.
- Senior Technical Officer, Tega Industries Limited, Kolkata, India, Jul. 06 – Aug.07.
- Scientist, CSIR-Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar, India, Sept.07 - till date.
AREA OF INTEREST :- Simulation of mineral processing circuits.
- Process flowsheet development.
- Equipment selection and sizing for flotation, milling, and classification circuits.
- Flotation.
- Classification.
AWARDS & HONOURS :- Doctoral Fellowship, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India [2001 – 2004].
- Post Doctoral Fellowship, Korea Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources (KIGAM), South Korea [April 2011 - March 2012].
RECENT PUBLICATIONS :- S. I. Angadi, D. S. Rao, A. R. Prasad and R. B. Rao, “Recovery of ferrochrome values from flue dust generated in ferroalloy production – a case study” Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min Metall. C), 120/1 (2011) 61-63.
- D.S.Rao, S.I.Angadi and S.K.Das, ‘Electron microscopic studies of ferrochrome industry flue dust and their implications on possible re-use,World of Metallurgy – ERZMETALL, 65/6 (2012) 68-374.
- S.I. Angadi, Ho-Seok Jeon and S. Nikkam, ‘Experimental analysis of solids and water ?ow to the coal ?otation froths’, International Journal of Mineral Processing, 110-111 (2012) 62–70.
- S.I. Angadi, Ho-Seok Jeon and S. Nikkam, ‘Experimental analysis of solids and water ?ow to the coal ?otation froths’, International Journal of Mineral Processing, 110-111 (2012) 62–70.
- C. Eswaraiah, S.I. Angadi, B.K. Mishra, ‘Mechanism of particle separation and analysis of ?sh-hook phenomenon in a circulating air classi?er’, Powder Technology, 218 (2012) 57–63.
- S. I. Angadi, Ho-Seok Jeon, A. Mohanthy, S. Prakash and B. Das, ‘Analysis of Wet High-Intensity Magnetic Separation of Low-Grade Indian Iron Ore using Statistical Technique’, Separation Science and Technology, 47 (2012) 1129–1138.
- B. Das, B.K. Mishra, S. Prakash, S.K. Das, P.S.R. Reddy, and S.I. Angadi, “Magnetic and flotation studies of banded hematite quartzite (BHQ) ore for the production of pellet grade concentrate” International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 17/6 (2010) 675-682.
- D. S. Rao, T V Vijayakumar, S I Angadi, S Prabhakar and G B Raju, “ Effects of modulus and dosage of sodium silicate on limestone flotation” Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology, 4/3 (2010) 397-404.
- D. S. Rao, S I Angadi, S Muduli, B D Nayak, “Recovery of chromite values from ferrochrome industry flue dust” AT Mineral Processing, 51/12 (2010) 56-63.
- B. Das, B.K.Mishra, S. I. Angadi, S. K. Pradhan, S. Prakash, J.K.Mohanty, “Characterization and recovery of copper values from discarded slag”, Waste Management & Research 28 (2010) 561-567.
- S. I. Angadi and N. Suresh, "A Kinetic Model for the Prediction of Water Reporting to the Froth Products in Batch Flotation", Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C), 114 (2005) 225-232.